Introducing Our Non-Profit For High School Students
About Find Your Why
As an incoming senior in high school, our Coaching Program will support and help seniors to learn, know, and understand their true selves, along with finding their WHY, which will guide them to make meaningful decisions as they prepare for their future after high school.
As seniors graduate from high school, change and transition are part of the life experience. Our Coaching Program will support them with:
Personal One-on-One Coaching
Three Small Group Learning Sessions
Find Your Why will provide seniors the tools of knowing themselves and their WHY, in order for them to embrace healthy change and make decisions that are best for themselves.
Find your why foundational campaign
Deanna van Klaveren (my partner) and myself have piloted the Find Your WHY Inc. program over the last year with 10 seniors in high school. The information below will go into more detail about how our program supports teens in:
Building relationships
Understanding who they are
Increasing their communication
Providing decision making skills
Preparing them for their next steps of college, trade work and career
It’s been an incredible year of learning, growth and development for all of us!
Deanna and I have been in dialogue about how best to invite others in supporting our teens on behalf of their learning. This last year, we have provided one-on-one coaching engagements and seminars throughout their senior year. We knew TC&A could fund the program up to a certain point. That said, we are relationship builders, as well. We both knew, we wanted others to join us in this journey of supporting the Find Your WHY Inc. program for teens, both relationally and (if you are moved to) financially. We know, we are meant to lead this program with others joining us. We are excited for the present outcomes and the future vision for this non-profit program.
During this first year, we have provided the funds for the program and given of our time, gifts and talents. We were happy to do so as we tested the curriculum and the learning. We are pleased with our outcomes and more importantly, we are so proud of the students and their ability to embrace new learning and concepts. They have grown in ways that creates a foundation and shaping experience for the rest of their lives.
Personally, building relationships with each one of you, as family and friends is my greatest JOY! My human nature, is to do the financial piece without outside support and yet, as Deanna and I have discussed, part of my role as the President, is to ask for financial support. Simply, we seek to raise $20,000.00 for the 2020-2021 year. From a big picture standpoint this is not a large sum of money. This is just one step for this next year. In 2021 and beyond we plan to multiply our efforts of coaching and bringing seminars to other schools and cities with well trained coaches and facilitators.
We’re excited to be serving teens and supporting their present realities as seniors in high school and their future hopes for their lives and careers.
With the deepest of GRATITUDE for your CONSIDERATION,
Tess & Deanna