Hi, I'm Chelsea Cox Gillman / Coach & Consultant              I'm here to be your guide and support you as you overcome burnout and love your work.

Hi, I'm Chelsea Cox Gillman / Coach & Consultant

I'm here to be your guide and support you as you overcome burnout and love your work.

Over 50% of professionals agree they are burnt out or have experienced burnout in their work!

I overcame extreme burnout after decades of being a high achieving hotelier and competitive athlete. Now as a coach and consultant, it is clear others can benefit from the same tools and resources that have been influential in my own success as I overcame burnout.

So here I am, I'm here for you! I've spent the last several years working with start ups, hotel and restaurant teams as well as individuals to support them as they transform their mindsets and create sustainable energy.

Want to know the 6 intentional and actionable steps to overcoming burnout? Sign up for my new online course and start loving your work and living the life you were meant to create.


Wondering if it’s worth it? Check out the video below!

This Class is for you if...

- You are burnt out, depleted of energy and looking to overcome this feeling and love your work.

- You are on your way to burnout but want to develop intentional and actionable tools to support you as you avoid burnout.

- You have experienced burnout in the past and are committed to strengthening your skill sets and looking to evolve on your self-development journey.

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What: 30 lessons, intentionally designed to be done in 20 minutes or less - Time is Money - I get it!

When: Self-paced learning, do what works best for you

Where: Online, in my members only portal

Why: Because you deserve to love your work and feel good doing it!

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Not sure you're ready?
I've got a story for you...

It was the end of 2016 and I was driving cross country, back home to Los Angeles. My husband and I had spent nearly a year working on a hotel project in Nashville after moving there from New York City, and let's just say things didn't go as planned....

I was beyond burnt out, I was depleted to my core. I had a choice.... spiral further into burnout through my career choices, OR pick myself back up and rekindle the love for my work and connect to my true calling, which is to be of service to others.

Day by day I overcame burnout by building my self-awareness and cultivating my inner confidence .

I transformed my mindset through understanding my personality type and learning to communicate with clarity.

Before long, I was able to manage any conflict that came my way.

Ultimately, I committed to sustaining my energy through daily self-care and I have been feeling good and loving my work ever since.

The real life career stories, tools, and resources I've experienced and/or created helped my clients over the years and have gotten me to where I am today - I'm able to sustain my energy and love my work.

I'm SO excited to share these valuable tools, they are all available to YOU now!

* A portion of each course purchase is donated to the the
"Find Your Why" non-profit program which guides high school seniors to learn more about themselves, their personality and their decision making as they transition into their next stage of life.