The Present Moment Is A Blessing

Writing To Be of Service...  The Present Moment is A Blessing 

A Time To Breathe - Mediation Is A Practice 

Close your eyes 

Take a slow, deep breath in through your nose for the count of 4 as your abdomen extends  

Hold at the top for a count of 4  

Now release, slowly out of your mouth for a count of 4, allowing the air to empty out of your lungs completely  

Hold at the bottom for a count of 4 


This is a simple breathing exercise called box breathing. I use this exercise, any time I am feeling anxious or in need to re-center my thoughts and emotions. During these present days, I’m practicing my breathing exercise, A LOT.  According to the Mayo Clinic, simple conscious breathing techniques (like this one), can release negative tension in the body. I have found, it is worth releasing the negative tension, instead of storing it inside of my body. In return, my stress is reduced, (as it seems or feels) almost immediately. I have found, my daily choice to exercise my breathing provides an extra level of mindfulness and personal presence. It may be hard to believe, something so simple that I choose to practice can have that much impact on my body and mind. I encourage you, this breathing exercise can, and it does, change the way you think and feel!  

It is probable, we can all agree, now more than ever, how thankful we are for every breath we breathe - for we are witnessing through the news, social media, family and friends those who are taking their last breath, due to this pandemic every day. Truly, every moment we have, is a blessing. 


A Time To Meditate – A Choice To Connect To Your Inner Being 

When I began my meditation practice a few years ago, I fought it. I remember, meditation had been recommended, by various leaders and bosses, year after year in my 20’s, as I navigated an intensely demanding career. My excuses were consistent, I can’t sit still that long, I don’t have time, I don’t know how, it’s not for me...  

It wasn’t until I chose to connect with my inner self that I experienced the life changing benefits of meditation. And, I am still learning something new about my inner self, every day. There are days I can sit for 20+ minutes. There are days, I struggle to calm my mind for 5 minutes. Every day is different, and that’s ok. The days that are difficult, I give myself grace and give myself permission to begin again, in a new day. Some days, being mindfully aware of each moment is enough. 

As we journey through these next few weeks, months and years being present in our current reality is truly all that we have. As we move in and through this current and challenging time, the other side of all of this longs for us to be and stay fully present. Right here and right now appreciating and valuing our blessings. 

Over the last few weeks, as I’ve joined worldwide meditation events with different spiritual teachers, I have felt a shift in our communal gathering. I have felt people yearning to connect deeply, in order to have a true sense of peace and calm.  

Even, if you are a person who prefers to disconnect – meditation is always waiting, the time and space are here for you and will support you. I understand, if you don’t know where to start, I know from my own experience and excuses, it is difficult to GET STARTED. My encouragement is to “JUST BEGIN.”  

Some of the most beautiful stories are from people who use their creativity while mediating, “walking in nature is my meditation, riding my bike is my meditation, writing is my meditation.” There is no right or wrong when it comes to the styles of meditation – the opportunities are endless. Meditation does not HAVE to be done in stillness – although, I do challenge you to work at least a few minutes of quiet and stillness into your practice each day. I believe you’ll experience the benefits of meditation and eventually begin to look forward to it! Yes, meditation can be another one of life’s blessings. 


A Time To Be Supported Within Meditation. 

Not only does meditation create more oxygen flow and have the ability to release toxins from your body, it provides support to your mind, your body and your soul when you are grieving, feeling trauma or experiencing sorrow.  

As I reflect on my own life’s meditation journey, 2019 was a BIG year where I needed and relied upon my meditation practice.  

Meditation supported me as my family and I lost my grandmother who was suffering from Alzheimer's. For years, my family and I experienced her deteriorating mind and body. It was tragic for us all to experience her slow death, as the disease continued to debilitate her inner and outer being. During the time of her death and our grief, meditation provided peace and even a sense of freedom for my soul. I felt comfort knowing she was no longer suffering. As a family, we were released from the day to day care giving for her, which, in full transparency was exhausting us all. 

Meditation supported me as I experienced deep trauma from losing my puppy to a rare disease. He was only one year and nine months old and it was tragic to see his body waste away, no matter the efforts and cost we went through to save his life. When he was alive, he had the role of my meditation partner. He loved to be near me and he truly helped me connect with the greater world around me on a deeper level. My meditation practice, when he left this world, calmed my daily tears and sorrow.  

Meditation supported me as I opened a restaurant in three months-time (seriously a world record!). With circumstances outside of my control, our team was forced to permanently close, a month after we had worked so hard to open. The last quarter of 2019 was highly demanding mentally, physically and emotionally. That said, my commitment to my meditation practice helped me navigate every day through the tumultuous time and to the other side of my sorrow of loss and closure.   

A Time to Choose - Meditation Can Support You, Too  

I share my experiences with meditation and the various ways it has supported me, to show how meditation can be of service and support to you, as well. It can provide encouragement to your inner being, also. I do hope, my experiences with meditation, piques your interest to connect with your inner being and true self. We can be the highest performers at our jobs, the greatest of athletes, super parents and more – but without the sustainability of our minds, at some point, we will struggle and it is possible, we will burn out.  

With my best intent and the greatest of encouragement – Consider who you view as most successful? It is probable they use a practice to connect with their inner being so they can do what they are called to do and live out their blessing in life and work.  

All you have to do - is begin and breath for the present moment is your blessing. 

With Gratitude,  



*I’m happy to provide further recommendations and resources on styles of meditation and different practices – you can reach me at