Family Strong Blueprint Online Mini-Course

The Family Strong Blueprint Online Mini-Course Launches in the North Kitsap School District!

By Lindsey Kula Ervin, Co-Author and Co-Partner, The Family Strong Blueprint

It’s been a joy to partner with school counselors in the North Kitsap School District during the month of May to bring The Family Strong Blueprint Online Mini-Course to parents and students during this season of remote learning. We’ve enjoyed supporting the parent and child/teen relationship by providing coaching exercises, tools and resources. 

Our focus has been engaging parents and children/teens in effective strategies, which build the overall confidence and strength of the family in a season of uncertainty. As families are learning new mindsets, behaviors and strategies, their confidence, mutual respect for one another and trust is increasing. 

Families explored three “tools of engagement” in the course: A Growth Mindset, Leading Our Emotions Well and A Mindset of Gratitude. The Family Strong Blueprint Online Mini-Course will be available to the public to purchase soon! Watch for more information to come on how you can engage your own family – your children, teens or even grandchildren in these bite-sized lessons. 

The new Online Mini-Course is based on our interactive workbook, The Family Strong Blueprint by Tess Cox and Lindsey Kula Ervin. It serves as a supportive guide to help you create what’s meaningful to you and will support a strong, healthy and deeply connected family bond. It is available for purchase on Amazon 

The strength of the family is so important to the well-being of our children and teens, especially during this season. The growth of a family is certainly worthy of celebration! We applaud all of the parents who chose to lead their families through the lessons. We are grateful for our experience and look forward to launching The Family Strong Blueprint Online Mini Course soon! Do you want to learn more about The Family Strong Blueprint? Please visit us at

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