Sustainable Energy For Everything You Do

We’re curious, how intentional are you being with your time and energy? 

Are you staying engaged and present as the world reopens, busyness returns and the possibility of over scheduling seems almost inevitable? 

As we greet you in the official first weeks of summer, we offer you the opportunity to pause.... before we know it, the end of summer will be upon us and another end of a quarter, then...the end of the year! We see this as an opportunity to ask more about how you are sustaining your energy... 

How can I be intentional with my time so that I can sustain my energy?   

It’s likely you relate sustainability to nature, food, electrical energy and our overall global impact; all important and meaningful correlations. You may have never considered sustainability to be linked to your own inner and personal energy. If so, we are happy to support you with this new mindset.  Let’s explore this mindset together.... 

Being intentional creates sustainable energy.  

Returning to the question above, we invite you to be intentional in creating behaviors and establishing routines that will bring you new or renewed energy so you can create a consistent energy mindset in everything you do.  In the coaching process, we often take complex thinking, strategies and challenges and simplify what we are hearing through listening to our clients, so the difficult becomes more clear and more doable, often igniting an “I am energized mindset.”   

As always, our intention is to provide you with the tools and resources to lead yourself, first.  We can’t sustainably lead ourselves with good and positive energy if we aren’t intentional with our behaviors and actions. That may sound simple, but it’s not always easy.  

Until recently, we’ve worked and lived in a society that celebrates burning the candle at both ends.  Many of us have learned the hard way that this approach doesn’t work, it’s not sustainable and ultimately the outcome is always the same, which unfortunately doesn’t end favorably or for the good of all involved.  

At some point, our energy will say, “I’ve had enough!”  

Together, let’s commit to a new way of thinking with this mindset that “Being intentional creates sustainable energy.”    

When we take the time to slow down and be intentional with our behaviors, we can then take clear action and be present for the best of outcomes.  We acknowledge that even with being intentional and taking action, challenges are going to arise, issues come up and complexities work their way into daily work and living.   

This is where being prepared will serve you with even greater purpose.  

Consider these 3 steps as you are intentional with your time and energy this summer and beyond:  

  1. Make value-based decisions.  As you fill the calendar with work meetings and in person gatherings, consider the value before you say, “yes” or add one more thing to your schedule. 

  1. Commit to being present. Is it just me, or is time FLYING by, this year specifically? Being in the present moment, is where we have the opportunity to feel the most alive. It is, after all, the only thing we know for sure, that we have this moment, right here, right now.  

  1. Release attachment to specific outcomes. This may be a new concept, yet it’s worthy of your understanding. It requires being intentional, taking action and then the hardest part... trusting. We like to refer to this type of trusting as “keeping our hands open,” rather than clenched or holding on to a specific outcome.  

Acknowledge that... 

  • Making value-based decisions  

  • Being present and  

  • Releasing attachment to specific outcomes  

Will create more time for you to be intentional. And, your intentional behaviors and actions will create sustainable energy for you and those you support.   

With your sustainable energy you will find yourself being more productive. The potential of you experiencing the best of outcomes increases, as well.  It may not always feel like it when you’re in the deep end of a tough time, we recognize that and if you’re there, our deepest empathy is with you.  

 We hold space for you as you reorganize your thoughts that will encourage you to continue to move in and through your difficult time. We believe you will reach the other side with greater fortitude and energy.  

In fact, we are all collectively on the other side of a period in life that stretched us to new limits.  Let’s celebrate that we are here. Your intentional behaviors have led you to the summer of 2021 and that’s worth good and positive energy! 

Click on the mantra’s below to download and print for your own use!