-TC&A Mantra Cards
Our Find Your WHY students continue to learn about their “true selves.”
What does this mean for our students?
It means, within our FYW learning community, our students begin to understand how their strengths within their personalities contributes to the identity of their individual and communal Find Your WHY experience.
The individual and communal experience is powerful, as it influences each student’s ability to effectively communicate with one another. It impacts how they choose to contribute with their own energy, which influences how they choose to encourage one another. It validates the diversity of the group and the different perspectives. And, it encourages them to be more aware of their own needs and the needs of others.
Overall, we as leadership, facilitate the learning and yet, our students create the value of the community learning experience.
What is the outcome of their learning experience? They continue to see and embrace their “true selves (who they are).” They support their talents, strengths and their shortcomings within their community. The students develop further acceptance of one another and empathy for each other. They begin to be mindful of their style of communication that brings a unique energy to the learning community that is healthy and helpful to one another. And, they are able to dream of “who they want to be” for their future in a safe and nurturing environment.
We are enjoying an amazing year with our students and are energized by their continued development of their own self-awareness within our learning community!
All our best in every way,
*If, you would like more information on behalf of our FYW non-profit program for Sr.’s in High School – please visit us https://www.tesscoxandassociates.com/giving-back or reach out to Tess at tesscoxandassociates.com or Deanna Van Klaveren at deanna@findyourwhyinc.org
You can follow us on Instagram: @Find_your_why_myers_briggs