“Your ENERGY is Worthy
of Your Attention.”
For a moment, be open and let us take you on a journey reflecting on your own ENERGY.
Sit comfortably in your chair and close your eyes or lower your gaze. Take a moment and think about your past year. Start at the beginning of the 2022 year - from January to February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November….
Consider the joys and celebrations you experienced with those you love and care about. Think about your moments of gratitude – seeing the sun rise, your child hugging you at the end of the day, the simple abundant moments like your dog being so excited to see you when you get home or the project being completed at work on time.
Contemplate the sorrows that were unexpected, the hardships that you worked through or pain you experienced, both emotionally and physically. Upon reflection, realize you gave your JOY filled ENERGY to live your life from the beginning of the year, to the most recent months and now, in this moment in December. Also, in reality, your energy may not have been so joyful at times, with negative, angry or pessimistic energy being at the forefront, which didn’t serve you well.
Take a deep breath in through your nose, release it through your mouth and give yourself permission to receive PEACEFUL ENERGY.
We acknowledge -
You have worked hard.
You have accomplished much.
You have had amazing highs and some deep lows.
You have been resilient.
You have been fearful.
You have been confident.
You have been depleted.
You have been energized.
Whether you were aware of or paying attention to, since January 2022 you have used your ENERGY every single day to accomplish what you needed to at home, at work, for extracurricular activities, for play and for love in all of your relationships. You have been responsible for the life you have created.
Now, we understand (especially at this time of year), you may feel like you’re barely hanging in there, like each day is chaotic mentally, physically or emotionally. You may feel like you haven’t accomplished much or met your expectations. You may feel depleted and not ready for the Holidays. And, in reality, you may feel burnt out. Our HOPE is that you slow down and rely on your self-awareness to dig deep and harness the power within you to pay attention to what you desperately need.... GOOD ENERGY. Your present moment, your future and what is most meaningful and important to you are worthy of your attention on behalf of how you choose to use your ENERGY.
During this Holiday Season –
that will Bring YOU
We are here for you, and always want the best for you.
We encourage you to complete the exercise below as you reflect on your Energy.
With Gratitude,
Chelsea & Tess