“Empowered leaders are the only ones who can induce real change. They can forcefully communicate at a level beyond telling. By having the courage to change themselves, they model the behavior they are asking of others. Clearly understood by almost everyone, this message, based in integrity, is incredibly powerful. It builds trust and credibility and helps others confront the risk of empowering self.”
- Robert E. Quinn, Deep Change
Quinn’s statement above, inspires us to “Lead ourselves … FIRST.” Our hope is that it inspires you to “Lead yourself … FIRST, too.”
As we define complexity, it’s important to note that complexity isn’t always negative or just having the ability to powering through a challenge. It is far more than that. The simple definition of complexity is: “the state or quality of being intricate or complicated.”
So often complexity can feel disempowering, which is why we so often choose to just “power through.” Yet, when faced with complexity, you can choose the mindset of: “taking your power back” regardless of the challenging person or situation. Where you actively and mindfully choose to EMPOWER your own inner self to manage through the complexity and guide yourself through the challenge with tenacity, perseverance and resilience. Think about how empowering yourself would feel, when you get on the other side of complexity. We can tell you, “It feels EMPOWERING!”
As you think about EMPOWERING yourself, reflect on Quinn’s words above. Here are some words to consider as you focus on EMPOWERING yourself through complexity:
- Real change
- Communicate
- Courage
- Model behavior
- Integrity
- Powerful
- Credibility
How might you put these words into a mantra for your leadership that empowers you every day?
1. My personal and real change will model integrous behavior.
2. My communication will express my inner courage.
3. My credibility will guide me in powerful ways towards better outcomes.
From the words and examples above:
- What words are standing out to you in the Quinn quote?
- Create a mantra from the words that stand out to you.
During the month of April, TC&A invites you to a mindset and a way of decision making that is energizing and empowering. It is an approach and process to align FIRST within yourself (who you are). Your mindset, approach and process will EMPOWER you to influence your external realities.
Here are a couple of examples where YOU can EMPOWER yourself through complexity:
- COMPLEXITY: You had a better outcome with a difficult conversation at work because you stayed true to your character (who you are). And, you were able to back up your thoughtful communication with facts and details. You trusted yourself to create the conditions for a better outcome.
o EMPOWER: Knowing the conversation was not going to be easy to get through, and yet, you EMPOWERED your own self by knowing who you are and leading yourself with integrity, your best intentions and your knowledge. Now, you’re on the other side of the complexity and you feel more confident to manage future complex conversations.
Mantra: I can EMPOWER myself through the complexity.
- COMPLEXITY: You are well aware of certain words, topics of conversations, styles of communication or fixed mindsets that trigger you.
o EMPOWER: You EMPOWERED yourself through an uncomfortable conversation by slowing down, paying attention to your breath, listening to what the person was really saying and redirecting the conversation when necessary. You can be ready, engaging and communicate well in these difficult conversations when you have prepared your own well-being and energy to sustain you.
Mantra: I can choose to be consistent in managing my energy when triggered and EMPOWER myself through the complexity.
Do you see how EMPOWERING yourself through complexity can create better outcomes, greater clarity and sustain your energy? You get to choose to EMPOWER yourself in everything you do. If, you choose to be disempowered, you will have different outcomes, you may feel uneasy and experience feeling depleted.
We believe in your ability to EMPOWER yourself. We believe that you are worthy of EMPOWERING yourself. We encourage you to keep choosing your ability to EMPOWER yourself through the complexity. You will find, everything becomes manageable, doable and achievable when you EMPOWER YOURSELF.
We always want the best for you and are here for you!
With Gratitude,
Chelsea & Tess