“The journey begins right here,
in the middle of the road,
right beneath your feet.
This is the place.
There is no other place, no other time.”
N.J. Adler
Yes, it’s Time, in this Moment to Choose. You have an opportunity to look inward and choose to EMERGE into WHO You Want to Be and Become.
With every New Year, we have an opportunity to reflect on the past year that we experienced and typically, we tend to set goals for what we want life to look like in the New Year.
This year, we are asking you to think differently, which will lead you to choose differently for the time and days you have before you.
To begin our journey with you on behalf of our January 2023 TC&A newsletter – we ask you to look at the graph below and reflect on the first 5 words that you see? You will have an opportunity within the exercise to write your words down and explore with further reflection.
What are the first 5 words that you see?
Within our coaching process, we are intentional with the words and language we choose. Our TC&A word for the new year is EMERGE or EMERGENT. What does EMERGE mean? And, what does it mean to us?
The word EMERGE means: to “come into view, transpire, become apparent or known, materialize, grow, develop and be promising.” EMERGENT gives us hope for our future as we continue to work with our clients and provide quality tools and resources for their lives and the work, we support them to do. We continue to experience our Leadership Coaching Process as effective and transformative.
With a mindset of EMERGING within our own lives and our business, there is a lot of internal work that transpires “behind the scenes” supporting who we are and who we want to be and become. It's powerful to choose the life and work we are designed for and to understand our further contributions as we lead ourselves with authenticity, intention and focusing on what truly matters.
We take ourselves through all of our learning before we guide you through the process. We fully understand this foundational truth – knowing ourselves is an “inside job.” Utilizing our energy effectively begins from “within.” We value good and healthy communication, which requires “inward” thoughtfulness. Our decisions are made for our present and future by considering all of the moving parts that are external and “internal.” The way we emerge into our future hopes is knowing there is an “inner” quality of faith and promise for what is most meaningful to us.
We are all designed to be contributors to the lives we want to live and lead. If, we are asleep to what needs to emerge within us, we will miss listening, taking action and experiencing new possibilities for ourselves, for our loved ones, for those we work closely with and on behalf of the organizations we work for.
We ENCOURAGE you – It’s time to EMERGE! Give yourself permission to EXPLORE finding and knowing more about YOU – The core of who YOU are and who YOU want to BE and further BECOME. YOU get to choose to be ordinary or EXTRAORDINARY. It’s time to be PRESENT with YOU.
Leadership Coaching Opportunities for the New 2023 Year:
Triangle Coaching – You, Employee & Coach
Team Building
Team and Cross-Functional Seminars
The Engagement Blueprint – Team or Cross-Functional Six-Week Course
Business Strategy
Board Development
We ALWAYS Want the BEST for YOU,
Tess & Chelsea