We are AWARE, as you start to settle into 2023, you are likely being pulled in many different directions within the work you do and the roles and responsibilities you have. The beginning of a new year ignites your mind to set new goals and new expectations. And, you’re reminded to let go of things that did not work the previous year, restructure and possibly consider a new direction. Not to mention…you have priorities and desires to give attention to the things that you want, need and deserve on behalf of your own personal life.
We RECOGNIZE, it is ALL…a lot. We encourage you to pause and take a deep breath in and acknowledge what is a lot for you. We are taking our deep breaths with you.
We KNOW our readers and clients want to create meaning in both their work and lives - and we want that for you, as well. We are here to support you in that process, and we are committed to leading ourselves, first, by being examples. Our mission and calling is to be of service to you as you create work that is impactful, build strong teams that are effective, manage in and through the complexities that are inevitable, and celebrate the joys, wins and successes. As many of you know, we are here on the ride with you, it is a journey that we are grateful to travel with you.
“Choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”
We love this quote from Aristotle that we feature in The Engagement Blueprint.
Our daily CHOICE is to provide you with the tools and resources you need to lead yourselves well. It is also our choice to listen to what we hear from you, as our clients and reflect back key messages that are coming through from your needs and experiences within the workplace.
We hear, from you, that these areas (and others) continue to need your attention:
Mindset – Keep a positive and collaborative mindset amongst the challenges
Growth - Growth in team members skill sets, decision making and team building
Communication – More efficacy in communication, clarity and cross-functional communication
Alignment – Give positive and constructive feedback to one another to be in alignment
Intention – Encourage team members to make intentional decisions, with both the details and big picture in mind
Success – Greater success is expected every year, the bar continues to be raised
You can likely relate to at least a few of the topics above, if not all within your business and/or team. We know this to be true…these are all human elements. Human elements that require working together in order to function at the highest level and have the best possible outcomes. You may also be reading the list and thinking, we have a lot of work to do at my place of business or within my team.
Those of you who work consistently with us, know well, our mindset is - there is always room for growth, transformation and expansion. It starts with an awareness of your overall needs, then taking responsibility and action to meet those needs. Your ability to be intentional and ultimately seek the support and help you need - will take you from where you are today, to where you want to be – from who you are today, to who you want to become.
Something to think about - As you move forward in this 2023 year, your ability to reflect will be key. Upon our reflection, the most important need from 2022 we have been hearing (and even before) is this:
Investment in the human capital of the workplace and business.
We can tell you from decades of experience and extensive research that investing in the human elements and the human capital are the way to sustainable success.
“Research shows that employees thrive when they feel known, appreciated and valued. Studies go on to show that 79% of people who quit their jobs cite “lack of appreciation” as their reason for leaving.”
Back in 2017, Harvard Business Review posed a worthwhile question in an article titled, “What if companies managed their people as carefully as they manage money?”. This question seems fitting, as we continue to hear about the tension between the needs of businesses being fiscally responsible and the overall needs of taking care of their employees.
We will be bold to say, more attention and focus needs to be considered, in order to retain and keep good employees within work cultures. Attention to the value of human capital has to not only, be considered, but taken action upon. We are aware that we do not always see the most supportive examples from the media in leading corporations and yet, we all know the extreme costs of turnover, so these statements are not made lightly and they are worthy of close attention.
We do believe in good news as we will always encourage you to focus your attention on the positive. Energy flows where your focus goes. We are here for you! We are here to be of service to you and your teams. We know the climate of the business world, our society and the realities of living in 2023 can feel overwhelming. We hear this day in and day out. Yet, you don’t have to manage in and through alone. You weren’t meant to lead alone and you weren’t meant to create the work and life you want to lead, alone.
We believe in your ability to LEAD Yourself Well and First. We believe in your desire to build your teams and grow your businesses. We have several ways to support you:
Triangle Coaching – You, Employee & Coach
Team Building
Team and Cross-Functional Seminars
Off-site Team Retreats
The Engagement Blueprint – Team or Cross-Functional Six-Week Course
Business Strategy
Board Development
We ALWAYS Want the BEST for YOU,
Tess & Chelsea