Welcome to the TC&A April Newsletter. We want you to know, we are listening to you (our clients). We chose the topic of Creating Your Inner CALM with Deep Listening through listening to your joys and challenges, fulfillments and hardships, great times and sorrows. We understand from our own life and work experiences, finding our inner CALM when navigating our lives and work can be complex and often, difficult.
In launching our new communal learning opportunity, Step into Your Power of Choice by “CHOOSING YOU” Seminar - CALM was the CONSISTENT word used when reflecting upon our take-aways. Our community of learners committed to empowering themselves with emotional safety and energy, utilizing their emotional maturity and strengths and creating meaningful influence on behalf of who they are and the skills they use to support their well-being – their inner CALM was realized through deep listening.
Mark Goulston, author of “Just Listen” writes, “Deep listening is not about listening to what people say and responding. It’s about enabling people to say what is really on their mind underneath what they say, and then being of service to them.” This is what we do within our Leadership Coaching – We deeply listen to you, in order to serve you.
CALM can feel elusive and hard to keep consistent when we are feeling anxious, sadness, depression and unknowns. How we lead ourselves to find our tranquility and peace will require us to
BE still, quiet, and composed within our inner being –
deeply listen to what is underneath all of the noise,
in order to find our CALM.
The still, quiet and composed behaviors may feel daunting to you and yet, the choice to choose, “how you desire to feel within your own inner being” is necessary for you to create a Mindfulness of CALM.
What is written below is what we hear you are experiencing…which is WHY Creating Your Inner CALM with Deep Listening is so important. In full transparency, writing your realities about what we hear in our dialogue within the coaching process is difficult to write. Just in the last month alone, we hear you saying there is:
Chaos in the workplace and in your relationships
Fear and insecurities with the financial banking system, markets and layoffs in business
Challenges with the lack of trust, integrity and commitment within your workplace and personally
Cruelty of toxicity when experiencing sabotage, manipulation and outright lies
Deeply listening to you, coaching you, processing the complexities of work and life with you, guiding you to find your way through the hardships and explore the best solutions is a privilege for us to enter into dialogue with you. You know, we ALWAYS want the best for you and are here to serve you.
As Leadership Coaches, we have great empathy and compassion for what you experience within your workplace and personal lives. And, we give you support to prepare strategies and structures to create the outcomes that will work best for you. Along with providing tools and resources for the communication, problem solving and team building that will move you, your team and business forward.
Be addressing realities with deep listening, you can create your own inner CALM. The April exercise will lead you through creating your own inner CALM.