Dear Leader,
As we enter into the month of September, we are thinking of you. Inspiration is important to us and our intention with our letter to you, is to inspire and support you!
Here is a backstory from Tess. During the summer months, my brother-in-law came for a short visit. During the afternoon of his arrival, he and I had an opportunity to connect about selling his business and his recent semi-retirement. He still looked forward to working part-time for the new owner of his business. As we shared stories about owning our own businesses and some of the challenges we face as business owners, I found him to be extremely encouraging with his stories, insights and wisdom.
In fact, a couple of weeks later, I received a handwritten letter from him communicating further encouragement to keep learning about being an entrepreneur, business owner and family run business. He shared further stories of the lessons he learned, the solutions he found helpful and the creative resources he used when owning and running his business. Ultimately, his encouraging and thoughtful words were grounding for me.
As you see from the title of our newsletter, our TC&A theme for September is,
What does “STAYING GROUNDED” actually mean?
Staying means to continue or to keep going.
Grounded means to be established, built or supported.
I value these two words together because they imply and encourage all of us to keep going. We need to STAY GROUNDED in what we’ve worked hard to establish and build. And, we need to continue to find the support, in order to achieve the goals and vision we all have for our lives and the work we do.
How do we - “STAY GROUNDED?”
Here are 4 ways that we have learned and coached to stay focused on being and “STAYING GROUNDED:”
1. Choose to SLOW our minds down by paying attention to our breathing.
2. Choose to THINK more clearly by staying connected to what is positive.
3. Choose to PROCESS information more accurately by deeply listening to what is being communicated.
4. Choose to make DECISIONS that impact others by doing what is best for all.
TC&A has enjoyed many blessings, experiences and opportunities this year AND, we have experienced heartache, challenges and lessons learned. As a growing business, we are so grateful for the mindset to - “STAY GROUNDED.” We know our calling is to support you, to help you keep going and to build what you seek to establish for your lives, your family, your organizations and businesses, your communities and even…for humanity as a whole.
We look forward to all of the opportunities available to you as you enter the Fall season and embrace the end of Year. We are here to support you with Leadership Coaching focused on one-on-one Coaching, Team Building Seminars and Retreats. And, we are here for growth, learning and development for you and your team to end the year well and begin the New 2024 Year “STRONG AND GROUNDED.”
to strategize with you and your team
to STAY GROUNDED in the present
and to be STRONG AND GROUNDED for the days ahead.
All our best to you,
Tess and Chelsea