Intention + Action = The Best of Outcomes

Intention + Action = The Best of Outcomes 

We can all agree we desire good outcomes when communicating with our teams. The desire for good outcomes in our communication will lead us to utilize our best intentions within our  Communication Model. 

So why doesn’t all of our communication interaction have the best of outcomes when working with others? Why don’t we feel good after we walk away, press send on an email, or hang up the phone? 

Because communication can be complex, downright hard AND there are two different ways to process information during communication.  These two processes live within our personality preferences (yes, there is an assessment for this and we’re happy to share more 1:1!). 

Here’s a quick example from within our own TC&A team as Tess and I have different preferences within our personality type when it comes to processing information, which is the second stage of our Communication Model. 

Tess is intuitive in her approach – she’s a natural visionary and is consistently coming up with new ideas, projects and ways to support our clients.  Of course, this keeps  working together new and exciting, yet my natural preference is to gather all of the facts, data and focus on the details, before I can move forward and execute the ideas; this is called sensing.   

Our awareness of our differences allows us to be mindful that we each have a different starting place when it comes to processing information in our communication (this is so key). This has been a learned skill. First, we seek Alignment, which Tess discussed last month as the first stage of our Communication Model. When in alignment, we can slow down and listen to one another with intention, which ultimately allows us to experience greater clarity without getting in the weeds!  

Think about your own communication. Are you more intuitive like Tess or sensing like me? As you become aware of your communication style, you can feel empowered in your day-to-day interactions and communications.  Understanding your communication style preference reduces stress and it is life changing!  

Once we are able to identify how we process information between being sensory or intuitive we can move through the decision-making process with greater ease, which is the next stage in our Communication Model.  

There are two styles, we either lead our decision making by Thinking or Feeling.  

The thinking decision style has an approach where logic and reason rule, along with asking questions as a means for making a decision or drawing a conclusion. It’s possible, if you lead with the thinking style of your personality you may not consider how your decision is going to impact others, which may feel critical or even tough to others.  

Those that lead their decisions with how they feel operate in a different way vs. the logical, reasonable or thinking way.  

If, you lead with feeling you’ll find yourself to be more empathetic and subjective in your approach, which can lead you to be more compassionate in your decision-making style. Overall, you may lean more toward accommodating and accepting others to make a decision, rather than relying on logic and reason, like a thinker preference. Here’s an example from my own professional experience: 

In 2016 my husband Max and I decided to move from New York City to Nashville with the exciting opportunity to open and run a highly sought-after Bed & Breakfast. While we did “think” about this decision, we both have the same personality preference to lead with our feelings in making a decision. In our communication process of making the decision we talked extensively about the pro’s and con’s of making a big move. The move required us quitting our jobs and choosing a big adventure. This required our being more accepting and seeking happiness, which are both feeling components. In the end, the outcome was not fully what we desired, yet it was a learning lesson in this school of life that we will never regret taking.  Had we just relied on logic and reason we likely would be in a very different place in our careers today!  

Think of your own work experiences when you are making decisions. Did you choose to be more thinking or feeling? There is no right or wrong answer, yet your outcomes will likely be very different based on your preferences.  

Your communication matters, just like who you are matters. It matters because it is a non-negotiable agent in creating effective change and sustaining your energy in your work and life.  

It’s valuable to understand your own processing and decision-making preferences as well as those of your team. You'll find meaning and alignment when choosing how you want to communicate and be in relationship with others. We invite you to join us in the mindset that your intentions + your actions will support you to experience the best of outcomes in your communication.  

As a leader, when you empower yourself to find alignment, process information well, build upon your decision-making abilities, order your thoughts and stay engaged with others, you will have greater opportunity to grow, seize new opportunities and address difficult situations... all the while supporting your desires to move your life and work forward. 

We are here to support you as you grow in your communication style and always want the best for you.  
