“Deep breathing counters the effects of stress by slowing the heart rate and lowering blood pressure.”
Psychologist Judith Tutin, PhD
Welcome to the New 2022 Year!
It is a New Year to … “Simply and Naturally Breathe.”
In this moment take a deep breath, slowly in through your nose. Feel the breath start in your abdomen and experience your breath work its way to the top of your head.
Then, reverse the process as you exhale and let your breath out through your mouth.
Being mindful of our way of breathing is part of our building a greater self-awareness in how we are feeling, thinking about something and how we want to respond.
It is possible, with more activity and going back into the workplace that we may have taken for granted our basic instinct and ability to inhale and exhale our breath 365 days last year. How is your mind, body and being feeling – tired, exhausted, full of energy or ready for a New Year? Our way of paying attention to our breathing will increase greater blood flow to our brain and support renewed energy.
It is conceivable, we are feeling deeply grateful and more aware of our breathing in and breathing out with each new moment day in and day out. We are paying attention to what our mind, body and being needs and are intentional in our breathing to restore alignment on behalf of what we need.
You may be wondering – Why are we focused on breathing for the TC&A January Newsletter?
What does breathing have to do with my work, my business, my responsibilities and all of the activities that I am involved in?
Our focus comes from the root of our experience with you in the 2021 year. We had numerous experiences with you, which are a part of our memories with you. Every experience required us to breathe with you and at times, reminding you to breathe.
We have breathed mindfully during our time of coaching you.
We have breathed intentionally through difficult dialogue and problem solving with you.
We have breathed deeply when laughing with you, due to something that was a funny situation or something that was humorously said.
We have breathed instinctively as our focus is completely on you - the stress you were feeling, the hardship you were experiencing or the challenges that you were facing.
We have consistently breathed with you in the highs, the lows, the accomplishments and disappointments and yes…the joys and the heartbreaks.
In many ways our ability to “Simply & Naturally Breathe” with you brings a presence of calm. It gives opportunity to bring peace. And, it brings an alignment of joy and happiness.
In this New 2022 Year, join us in “Simply & Naturally Breathing” by being:
We believe, our focus on breathing individually and collectively, every day and for 24 hours a day will create a greater experience together in being:
We look forward to the New 2022 Year with YOU and we are full of GRATITUDE as we practice our “Simply & Naturally Ability to Breathe.” We believe…every breath is a blessing.
We are here for you and always want the best for you in every way,