What IF… you chose to shift your energy within your business towards being more engaged, connected and valuing others, first?
The times we are living in call for a new way of approaching, interacting and retaining your employees. This shift in mindset should feel encouraging, and is positive, as replacing employees is extremely costly. In fact, Forbes reports that the cost of turnover for an entry-level position is an estimated 50 percent of salary; mid-level is 125 percent of salary; and senior executive over 200 percent of salary.
What IF, you imagined saving that money, and instead, invested a portion into building a cultural foundation of growth, clear communication and confidence?
Take a moment and think about what that would like for you and your team, now.
What IF, you choose 5-8 people on your team that you’ve identified as employees who are ready to grow in their leadership capacity? These people are willing to learn, make adjustments to their own leadership style, lead others by example and guide others to success.
Now, ask yourself, “What am I doing to invest in the growth with clear communication and building the confidence of these outstanding and promising leaders?” Perhaps, you’ve utilized their competencies by delegating more to them and by increasing their workload. While it can be a confidence booster to take on more responsibility, we’re going to offer an alternative approach to investing in your team’s leadership with these 6 steps:
Offer the opportunity to grow and develop who they are within their strengths and values. This will support them as an individual and a team player.
Encourage a mindset that values collaboration. True collaboration respects different perspectives and ultimately strengthens the depth of your results.
Create a culture of clear communication. Clarity builds trust with one another, which will enhance all of your outcomes.
Allow the opportunity for positive and constructive feedback. This will bring alignment to projects, tasks and goals.
Cultivate confidence. A confident team addresses challenges and effective decision-making with others and on behalf of others.
Be intentional during your on-boarding and engagement with current employees. Intentionality creates positive understanding of roles and responsibilities.
These 6 steps will lead you and your team to success, a win-win for the company culture and ultimately, the company’s profit margins.
What IF, these steps sound AMAZING for yourself and your team? Yet, you are not certain how to implement them to experience the results that will positively enrich and engage your company culture along with increase profit margins.
That’s where we come in! We’ve designed The Engagement Blueprint, an interactive team coaching program, to be a valuable Employee resource that will:
enrich your company culture
empower individual employees within their roles and responsibilities
enhance leadership development
increase profit margins
This new opportunity will be available for you and your team to experience beginning October 2021.