Our Find Your Why Program is Going to Have an Amazing Year!

We are EXCITED to WELCOME our new group of 8 - Sr. High School students to the Find Your WHY 2021/2022 program. They are beginning an incredible journey of learning more about themselves, growing with information that supports who they are and developing into the people they want to be for their future hopes and goals. 

We are THRILLED to WELCOME our new Find Your WHY Coach – Kattie Schmidig who will be leading and supporting our students through this new school year with one-on-one coaching and small group seminars. Kattie is a leader who cares about students, knowledgeable in how students learn and a great advocate for students building their confidence in who they are.


We LOOK forward to connecting with our new students and providing them a wonderful learning experience with mentorship and building new relationships.  

For more information about our Find Your WHY program – please contact Deana van Klaveren: deanna@findyourwhyinc.org or tess@tesscoxandassociates.com