Many of you may have heard of the book, Atomic Habits by James Clear. It is a number one bestseller on five renowned lists: The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Amazon Charts, and Audible.
His premise begins with this mindset, “If, you are willing to make small, tiny or incremental changes within your habits – you will experience REMARKABLE RESULTS.”
Who doesn’t want remarkable results?
From my reading and the learning that stands out to me, it is very clear, my results in my life stem from the core of how I choose to see myself. At the core of my results is my IDENTITY.
IDENTITY is our uniqueness, our character or our personality. Each one of us embodies a distinct identity in how we think about ourselves.
Example: I am a Leadership Coach.
People trust me to support who they want to be
and how they want to lead their personal and professional lives
towards better outcomes.
Every day you have a choice with your growth mindset to repeat behaviors that work well for you or repeat behaviors that stem from a fixed mindset, “I can never change.” The way you think about yourself will reinforce your positive and good behaviors towards better outcomes. Or, how you think about yourself will reinforce insecure or fearful behaviors, which will lead you down a very different and possibly chaotic/challenging path. Once again, we all, collectively choose our IDENTITY.
“Your identity is literally your ‘repeated beingness.’”
- James Clear
TC&A coaches from a foundational mindset of - “Who You are MATTERS.” What do we mean by this statement? Our premise is, “Be a person of Character, which will support our IDENTITY.” Our character is foundational to every decision we make, as we use our skills to lead and coach you. Every day, we decide the type of person we want to be, in order to experience the remarkable outcomes that are positive and good for all. We are not seeking perfection and yet, we do seek to be intentional within our mindset. Our character leads us in how we communicate with others, process information with others and make decisions on behalf of others, ourselves and our business. Our principles and values are strengthened by our IDENTITY.
On a weekly basis, we listen to your challenges. We know and understand the complexities you face (there are times, behind the scenes we have deep concerns for your well-being as your IDENTITY is challenged). There are times, when we know you are struggling, we pause the conversation and say,
“Let’s take a moment for you to breathe.”
The habit of breathing lowers the highly stressed and out of control feeling.
Other times, we will encourage,
“Let’s slow down and ask yourself, is the story you are telling yourself…really true?”
The habit of slowing down looking at a situation from a different vantage point and perspective, supports clearly seeing a greater truth.
Then, there are times, we may encourage more reflection, we may say,
“Let’s process this challenge out loud.”
Often times, hearing your own thoughts processed out loud gives you more discernment and understanding.
Within the Leadership Coaching process, we are supporting you to incrementally move or adjust one mindset and habit at a time to see who you are and who you want to be – That moment in time when you decide your IDENTITY.
For the month of March, we are focused on YOU making a personal DECISION to DECIDE who YOU want to be. You get to decide your IDENTITY.
Fill in the blank below:
I AM CHOOSING TO BE _____________________________
Example: I am choosing to be a mindfully and inwardly calm being.
Once, you DECIDE your IDENTITY – create small WINS with your choices for incremental, and positive behaviors in order to be the best version of YOU.
“The most effective way to change your habits is to focus not on what you want to achieve, but on who you wish to become.”
- James Clear
We would love to hear from you. Please feel free to email or and let us know who you are choosing to be. We are here for you and supporting you and your chosen IDENTITY.
We always want the best for you,
Tess & Chelsea