Welcome to mid-YEAR! We’re encouraging you to PAUSE and REFLECT on the year you have created, co-created and been a part of so far…
Think about what you enjoyed about your summer activities.
Consider how you want to prepare yourself or your family for a new school year.
What have you learned about yourself during your mid-year review experience?
Are there projects and goals you want to complete by the end of the year?
PAUSE ~ REFLECT on your 2022 year.
Below are a few questions that will support your reflection on how well you are leading your mindset, intentions and actions, along with what you might want to adjust for a better outcome:
Are my energy levels sustainable for the rest of the year?
If not, where can I make a shift?
If so, what do I need to keep practicing to stay consistent?
Consistency is key for your energy management.
Are my habits serving me?
Am I paying attention to all of my choices and daily habits, even the ones I do without thinking?
All of your small choices add up over time. Every choice matters.
Am I leading my thoughts and mindsets or, are they leading me?
Consider what is serving you, helping you reach your goals, and supporting you to feel good; keep doing those things.
Identify what is holding you back, not serving you, or not making you feel good.
Your self-awareness will lead to more mindful and supportive decision-making.
Reflect back on what is working well for you. Reflection gives you the confidence to keep moving forward with clarity in your behaviors, choices and mindset. Knowing sooner, rather than later, what is not working well for you, will allow you to reconsider your approach, reset your energy and choose a different mindset.
With the past as a support, take a deep breath into the present moment and ask yourself:
“Am I creating work and life that is the most meaningful to me?”
In other words, are you enjoying the life you have created? Do you feel alive and energized by your work and life? Does it feel authentic to who you are at the core of who you are? Do you feel like you are in your personal and professional flow when living and working?
Or…. does everything feel like a challenge, like it’s working against you or that you can’t find your way out of your current reality?
The process of reflecting back, leaning into the present moment and taking intentional actions toward creating your future for 2022 and beyond will result in you feeling guided and supported to keep choosing the work and life that is the most meaningful to you. If, you need to re-start, you can choose to TAKE ACTION NOW.
A simple question, “Are you feeling excited for the remainder of 2022 or are these questions and focus igniting some feelings of anxiety?”
In Brene Brown’s latest research in Atlas of the Heart, data shows that “feeling anxiety and feeling excitement actually feel the same, but how we interpret and label them can interpret how we experience them.” The choice is yours and it starts with awareness and the ability to name one emotion over the other.
There is freedom, empowerment and equanimity when we choose to lead our minds!
We are here for you and believe in you. If you would like to book a call for your team or individually to prepare your mindset so that you can lead your mind through the rest of your year, we are here for you.
Reach out to Chelsea “here” for TC&A availability.
Sending positive energy to you as you journey forward.
With Gratitude,
Chelsea & Tess