Our Find Your WHY program supports our students to DREAM BIG. We value the marginal gains concept in building competencies 1 % at time. We encourage our students to go a little farther, more than they think they can go and be curious about what their possibilities are for their future. We help them to focus on building their self-awareness through being mindful of their own inner rhythm. We guide through our coaching process and facilitate through our seminars to pay attention to what is meaningful to them. The self-awareness that they create and build supports them reaching their BIG DREAMS – College / Working for their Family Business / Building Trade Skill Sets / or Working to Give Themselves More Time to Find the Right Path for Themselves.
Here is the beginning process with our FYW Coaching for Students – They learn the following to:
Listen to their inner being in how they gain energy
Some students gain energy by being with people, being expressive with their thoughts and having a sense of belonging
Some students gain energy by being in small groups, experiencing quiet and reflection time and enjoying one-on-one conversations
Understand how they prefer to communicate
Some students prefer to communicate with details about their experiences
Some students prefer to give a broader view or big picture about their experiences
Being a good decision-maker
Some students make decisions based on what Is reasonable and logical to them, they may have a lot of questions to ask others
Some students make decisions based on how their decision is going to impact others, they tend to accommodate to meet the needs of others
Accomplishing things that are important
Some students enjoy organizing what is important, having a schedule and creating a system to accomplish their priorities
Some students enjoy going with the flow, being more emergent and spontaneous with what is most important in the moment.
There is no right or wrong in how a student gains energy, prefers to communicate, makes decisions or how they accomplish things. This is a part of learning, growing and developing their own rhythm inwardly, which influences and impacts their external experiences. The FYW program builds their self-awareness to understand the core of their WHY. As they understand their WHY – they are empowered to choose WHO they want to be.
We’re excited for this new year of learning, growing and developing in finding their RHYTHM THROUGH SELF-AWARENESS SO THEY CAN DREAM BIGGER DREAMS.
Sending positive energy to you,
The FYW Team