“I like the idea of dreaming the big dream
and making small steps. I’d like to think that
you reach your hand, just a little bit further than your reach,
not enough so that you’ll be frustrated, not enough
so that you’ll give up, but just enough so that you’ll stretch yourself.”
-Maya Angelou
The Leadership Blueprint
I, Tess have a personal story to share that will give background as to “why” the Maya Angelou quote is so important to me and “how” SELF-AWARENESS, SELF-ACCEPTANCE AND SELF-CARE provided the roadmap for me to face my reality, experience a significant challenge and find my path of stretching myself towards greater healing.
Upon this writing in mid-August, my ability “of dreaming the big dream” rested upon building my SELF-AWARENESS. It became blatantly clear, I needed to pay attention and address, my serious health issue. I would not be dreaming “big dreams, today” if, I had not first addressed and aligned with what my body was telling me and what my body needed from me. Without the support of health care professionals, countless blood tests, a couple of procedures and a surgery – my life would look very different.
In “reaching a little bit further than my reach,” my SELF-ACCEPTANCE surrounding my health issues became a focused priority. Two different hospital stays for a total of eight days in the hospital was humbling and sobering. I am grateful for the amazing care I received, which supported what I needed physically. Further self-acceptance was managing my reality that I was going to have to put things on hold, re-schedule meetings, miss certain opportunities and navigate what was best for my overall health. My strong ability to put mind over matter to keep going was not an option or a reality for me. I was at the mercy of my body and those who were in charge of my care.
I have been “stretched” in the area of going above and beyond in the area of SELF-CARE, as my health issues required the reality of a longer than I anticipated healing process. Rest is an understatement when healing from trauma within your body. I am grateful for all of the tools and resources we coach, as I used them all regularly. They supported me being fully present and having peace of mind. I never felt out of control of my emotions or panicked. Yes, I did shed tears and held the hand of my understanding Surgeon and yet, I felt a calm and a covering from all of the positive care and energy.
Typically, I do not share personal matters within our TC&A newsletter. The reason is, “I always want the focus of our writing to be upon YOU and what your needs are. Both Chelsea and I gain energy, meaning in our work and life, as we serve you.”
My intent in sharing is…I know we all go through challenging times. Both Chelsea and I have journeyed with you during some of your most difficult days. We value your transparency and vulnerability with us. It seems appropriate to be transparent and vulnerable with you, as well.
As I have entered back into my coaching schedule with clients, the focus has been on SELF-CARE. This has been a topic amongst those who are not even aware of my own health and medical experience. Chelsea has experienced this trend in patterns, as well – our clients want to choose SELF-CARE as a priority in their life. Some for serious health concerns, others for finding a better equilibrium for their work and lives and others to simply, enjoy life and work more.
As I reflect on my experience, I look for patterns that will support a better outcome. Here is what helped me emotionally and mindfully as I navigated a very complex experience:
SELF-AWARENESS - Understand yourself. Know what your needs are and how to ask for what you need.
I was fully aware and understood my body needed medical care. I knew how to be an advocate for myself. I had support in asking good clarifying questions. And, I knew that I could ask “for the small needle when taking countless blood tests.” This simple, but important request saved my veins 10 times over.”
SELF-ACCEPTANCE – Manage your mindset. Understand your body and mind may feel challenged.
I was fully aware that a negative mindset was not going to help my circumstances. I chose a positive mindset. I said countless, “Thank you so much…” I chose to be kind amongst my suffering. I kept an open mind that the other side of my challenge would come. Was it difficult. “Yes.” Was a positive mindset worth it. “Absolutely.” Staff and nurses were willing to help and serve me, not just because it was their job – they valued the energy of respect and kindness.
SELF-CARE – Expand your abilities. Self-Care does not happen without a choice and decision to prioritize your well-being.
I was fully aware that my recovery would depend on how well I chose to take care of my inner and physical being. It was my responsibility to care for my body, in order for it to heal properly. I’m a doer and I love getting things accomplished. I chose to think of rest as allowing my body to accomplish the inner healing it needed to overcome the trauma it experienced. I chose to think of every decision as a sustainable practice for my healing. I’m still choosing…
What do you want to take-away from this newsletter, in order for you to build a greater
This was and is a new journey for me…I did my best to value my experience, learn from it and establish new ways of being and living for my present and future. I’m still dreaming BIG dreams. I still look forward to reaching farther towards greater opportunities. I still want to stretch myself further to learn, grow and be who I need and want to be. AND, most importantly,