The word “SHINE” reflects your ability to:
“Stand Out,” as a Leader of yourself, first
“Be Skilled At,” as you Lead your team
“Have a Gift for…” as you Lead your organization
Chelsea and I encourage you to “Let Your Leadership – SHINE!” - as you bring the 2023 Year to a close and begin the New 2024 Year.
As you see from our 2023 Year Quotes & Pictures, we began the year intentionally doing our part to “Let Our Leadership – SHINE!” – as we supported, encouraged, and coached you to be the leader you desire to be.
As we reflect on our past year, the words that stand out to us are:
Our quotes and pictures gave us a glimmer of hope every month in the 2023 Year. Our intentions supported our gifts in coaching and helped us to serve you well. We were willing to learn and continue to build our skills and provide new tools and resources for you to continue to grow, learn, and develop. We had the opportunity to stand out in several magazine features and articles (truly humbled with the positive recognition). Overall, we opened our minds and our hearts to be transformed and imagine even more for ourselves and for you, our clients. We always want more for you and want the best for you!
Every day, we are grateful for you and support you and your Leadership Shining for all to be Inspired.