“Your everyday CHOICES
will build your CONFIDENCE
to BECOME who you want to BE.”
TC&A welcomes you to January 2024!
Chelsea and I look forward to this New 2024 Year, as we believe, “constructing the life you want to live and the work you want to achieve, begins with your everyday CHOICES.”
This is why we have entitled our new weekly newsletter, "Your Choice."
With our best intentions, we will bring you a coaching thought, encouragement, exercise, and support through our weekly communication. Our goal is to encourage you to be intentional in making choices that will serve you and guide you. Creating the life you want to live and the work you want to achieve will support your desired outcomes.
We trust our simple approach will
“Uncomplicate what seems to be complicated.”
For the month of January, we invite you to join us with a mindset to:
Within the Leadership Coaching context, we focus on:
Simplifying what is complicated
Creating consistency in your communication
Organizing the work you want to accomplish and
Planning the most important outcomes
Also, when listening to you, the more consistently you choose to simplify the most important outcomes, you experience a deeper sense of CONFIDENCE in who you are and your leadership.
Your ability to “CHOOSE TO SIMPLIFY” is a lifelong commitment to yourself, your team and your organization.
We are always practicing what we coach! Stay tuned next week for more guidance in Simplifying!
Sending positive energy to you,
Tess & Chelsea