Coaching And Mentoring

Coaching And Mentoring

“[Coaches] and Mentors can help you clarify work expectations, give you an opportunity to do your best,  enable you to receive recognition and praise, make you feel cared about, encourage your development,  make you feel like your opinions matter,  provide you with friendship at work, talk to you about your progress, and provide opportunities for you to learn and grow.”

Power Mentoring, Ellen Ensher / Susan Murphy

A common phrase we use at TC&A is: “We are here for you.” And, it is true! We are here for you to be the person/leader that you desire to be. We are here for you and support you to do your best work within your role and responsibility. We are here for you to continue to learn, grow, develop and THRIVE

The above quote reflects the benefit and value of coaching and mentoring. When we are willing to have an open mind and be coached – typically, we will have an opportunity to use our learning and mentor a person that is open minded to learning, as well. It becomes an amazing synergy of being a willing learner and supporting others who are willing to learn. At TC&A we THRIVE with combined efforts in learning, growth and development that seek the best for all.

Since, we are here for you and want the best for you and your Leadership, we have provided several learning and growth opportunities for you to participate. We know this about your life and work, “How you choose to invest your time is important.” What is wonderful about the following learning and growth opportunities is that YOU can choose whether you prefer to learn and grow Independently OR with our TC&A Leadership Coaching. 

RELATIONAL ART Learning and Growth Opportunity

We continue to reflect on our experience with our RELATIONAL ART Seminar – It was amazing and we are grateful. Here is a comment from one of our participants:

“Thanks again for sharing stories and providing a trusting and safe environment for working through the seminar material.   One of the best continuing life learning experiences!”

– Jeana Hultquist (American Ag Credit)

We are happy to provide a one-on-one RELATIONAL ART Seminar experience or a Team Experience for you. 

Please email us for more information and fee inquiries to