Room Around The Table

I am curious, if you could have a conversation with anyone around your Thanksgiving table, who would that person be?

As I think about this question, I immediately begin to think about:

Who am I curious about?
Who would contribute to the conversation with their knowledge?
Who would be mindful of sharing their life experiences?
Who would be generous with their interest in others? 
Who would be a good listener?
Who would ask good questions?
Who would respect the differences of opinion?
Who would communicate with a focus on building relationships?

At the end of the month, we will be celebrating Thanksgiving with family and friends. No doubt, there will be a lot of conversations around the table. Most conversations share information by telling others what is on our minds. 

In reality, conversations go much deeper than simple information sharing. What researchers are learning and telling us is that conversations create a neurological pathway for us to attach and connect to when in a conversation. 

“Conversations are the golden threads that enable us to move toward and trust others, but these threads can also unravel, causing us to run from others in fear of loss and pain.”

Judith E. Glaser, Conversation Intelligence

In thinking about my own question – I would invite YOU to join me around my Thanksgiving table!

I would love to have you sit around my Thanksgiving Table with your families. As I reflect on this vision, TC&A would need to rent a ballroom! What fun that would be…

Every day, I have the pleasure of connecting with YOU (as one of numerous clients) and we engage in conversations that move us towards trust with one another, shared meaning and shaping your future. What a pleasure it is for me to be a part of your life and work. For this…I am deeply grateful. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

May there be room around your table for great conversations.

Personal Note: As we celebrate Thanksgiving with our family and friends, we will also be celebrating my son Justin’s 38th Birthday, (it just so happens his birthday is on Thanksgiving this year). So on this Thanksgiving Day, he has requested the day to be re-named: Justgiving!