Committed to Creating Stability

We Are Listening…

“A MINDSET of GRATITUDE will be COMMITTED to creating STABILITY, which in turn, supports RESILIENCY.”

We understand this period of time with the Coronavirus is holding an unusual tension psychologically, emotionally, physically and spiritually on a global scale.

We are mindful of the challenges, sacrifices and adjustments that we are each making to our daily lives and work.


As Chelsea communicated so well – Our mindset is key to every choice we make both internally and externally. We know, choosing a healthy and grateful mindset is a daily choice and at times, an hour-by-hour or minute- by-minute choice. 

To support you and your leadership “here-forward” – We have provided further information as to what it means to have a healthy mindset and to personally choose and act accordingly. 

At TC&A, we have found having a GROWTH MINDSET vs. a FIXED MINDSET supports changing our internal narrative and external stories we communicate - whether they are physical, emotional, spiritual, or work related stories. All of these areas influence leading ourselves well.

A GROWTH MINDSET will train your mind to think and act in the following ways listed below:

A FIXED MINDSET will train your mind to think and act in the following ways listed below:

GAINING CONFIDENCE is your ability to focus. It is your focus that determines your mindset. Your mindset will support the behaviors that will move you in the direction that you want to go. Your behaviors will bring what is most meaningful to you into your reality.

Growth vs Fixed Graphic.jpg

GRATITUDE is the best way to support your GROWTH MINDSET.


  1. I am grateful for my current reality, which is supporting a new character quality in me to be more courageous during this difficult time. 

  2. I am grateful for aspects of setbacks and disappointments as it is creating the quality of new competencies in being strong and resilient no matter what my circumstances.

  3. I am grateful for new ways of doing things as it is providing greater consistencies in new possibilities as I see my own potential in a new light and way.

  4. I am grateful for learning from constructive criticism as it supports new optimism in creatively seeing hope for my future.

  5. I am grateful for learning new lessons as they provide inspiration to respect and appreciate how far I have come and how much I have grown and developed in my confidence. 

  1. What GROWTH MINDSET Statement and Gratitude Statement stands out to you?

  2. Write your “WHY” this is important to you?

  3. What FIXED MINDSET would you like to change and work on?

Strategy for CHANGE

  1. Write Your Focus Statement: 

  2. Write the FIXED MINDSET you would like to change:

  3. Write 3 Behaviors that will support your mindset to change:

  4. Write your Desired Outcome – You will experience a great outcome from your ability to expand and your willingness to grow as you practice your behaviors to change your FIXED MINDSET:


We would love to hear from you – Please feel free to send your thoughts and comments to us at TC&A:

With Gratitude and Blessings,


Download and print the Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset Chart, and put it in a place that’s easily visible. Having a visual reminder, will support your desired outcome to grow and practice the behaviors you want to change.

Download your Strategy For Change Worksheet so you can write out your statements and behaviors you would like to change and work on during this time. Putting this worksheet in a place that’s easily visible will also serve you well, with a visual reminder of the desired outcomes and behaviors you would like to change.