“A confident leader is one who is able to celebrate the wins of others, compete
with good intent, have courageous dialogue to enhance relationships, and
stay resilient during challenging times.”
– Tess Cox, The Leadership Blueprint
As the month of October newsletters come to a close, we turn our focus towards CONFIDENCE. We are reminded that Confidence is a natural byproduct of living well within our Character, Competency, Consistency & Creativity.
Think about the foundation of your Character or the way you lead yourself with your Competency, Consistency and Creating positive relationships. Where might you feel the most confident within one of these four C’s?
For further reflection of the first four C’s, consider the statements below and ask yourself,
“What statements resonant with you?”:
You are the authority over your own character and able to build trust with others.
You have attained a level of personal and professional competence.
You are consistent, expressing what you need and receiving what you want when building relationships that are important to you.
You understand creativity supports your ability to relate to one person or with many people.
You know what you believe and value. You have a personal philosophy for your life and work.
You think for yourself and are able to share your thoughts, views and opinions with others.
You appreciate and value recognition and yet, do not rely on the approval of others to derive your self-worth.
You are able to influence the behaviors and opinions of others for the good of all.
You are able to lead yourself and others well through complex situations.
You are confident in who you are – willing to adjust your approach when living and working with others.
You are confident, able to lead your life effectively and live meaningfully by the choices you make.
Your CONFIDENCE is an accumulation of ALL OF THE ABOVE statements. And, ALL of your good, healthy and challenging experiences within the life you have created, and the work you are able to accomplish. Being who you are and knowing why you do the things that are most important and meaningful to you impacts all of your outcomes.
We are curious to know more from you. Please feel free to email Chelsea@tesscoxandassociates.com with your take-ways or learning from the newsletter today or the previous newsletters for the month of October. We look forward to hearing from you.
We are here for you and always want the best for you and your business. To strengthen the Confidence you and your organization have, You can download our full Catalog of Services here. We are grateful for the opportunity to be of service to you!