- Homer

Welcome to our TC&A March 2024 newsletter. We look forward to this new month and the opportunity to connect with you. We know, in staying true to who we are with our choices for human connection, along with being true to the integrity of our Leadership – our choices, connection and character influence all of our outcomes.

At the core of our Leadership Coaching, we genuinely, “CHOOSE YOU!”

As we focus our mindset for the month of March, we find it helpful to define words. It supports us being aligned together when we understand the meaning of the words we use.

CONNECTING with others is vital to MY LIVING And we will add… CONNECTING with OURSELVES is vital for MY THRIVING!

CONNECTING with others is vital to MY LIVING  And we will add…  CONNECTING with OURSELVES is vital for MY THRIVING!

Here are simple statements from the last few weeks of our TC&A February newsletter:

  1. Stay Curious about yourself.

  2. EXPAND knowing who you are – UNDERSTAND who you are – THRIVE!

  3. You are wired for CONNECTION.

  4. Stay TRUE to who you are.

  5. You are on a LIFELONG journey.

  6. You choose your MINDSET.


  8. You choose what is BEST for you.



Being curious means to inquire more about something or someone, along with adding the behaviors that support our curiosity. 

Today, ask yourself a simple question, “Am I curious about myself?” When you are curious about yourself, you know what you prefer and what you enjoy. And, you tend to be intentional in your daily choices to take good care of you, being responsible for you and being mindful of what is most important to you. 

As we enter into a new week, we’re going a step further with your MINDSET in being curious about yourself…We’re adding the BEHAVIORS that will support you to stay true to who you are.

We encourage you to ask yourself this question, “If, I want to stay true to who I am – what behaviors will I need to practice?”



Good news - You have a choice!

 You have a choice:

 1.    You can choose to be curious about yourself and connect with who you are.


2.    You have a choice not to curious about yourself and not to connect with who you are.

 If, you choose to be curious about yourself and connect with who you are…from our coaching experience and perspective, you will EXPAND in knowing who you are because you UNDERSTAND how to connect with your inner being. 

 When you are curious about yourself and willing to learn and grow within your personal knoweldge, you will find the power of connection with yourself to magnify everything you do and every part of who you are.

What is your desired outcome?

What is your desired outcome?

Good news! Choosing to Simplify is Your Choice.

Think about it…. when you choose to simplify you actually have the opportunity to choose your outcome.

Choosing your outcome in advance supports you to take action, (we talked about taking action last week). It also supports your energy toward the best outcome for you and everyone involved.

When you choose not to simplify, you may experience outcomes that are not aligned with who you are or who you want to be. The choice….. is yours.

Simplify by Taking Action

Simplify by Taking Action

Your CHOICE TO SIMPLIFY is a mindset that will serve you and your commitment to yourself, your team and your organization.

With this new mindset, you choose what you need to simplify and take action.

Our brains are wired for comfortability vs. change. It is important, as you take action, you choose simple behaviors that you can implement immediately. This will guarantee your consistency and ultimately your success.

“Your everyday CHOICES 

will build your CONFIDENCE 

to BECOME who you want to BE.”

TC&A welcomes you to January 2024!

Chelsea and I look forward to this New 2024 Year, as we believe, “constructing the life you want to live and the work you want to achieve, begins with your everyday CHOICES.”

This is why we have entitled our new weekly newsletter, "Your Choice."

With our best intentions, we will bring you a coaching thought, encouragement, exercise, and support through our weekly communication. Our goal is to encourage you to be intentional in making choices that will serve you and guide you. Creating the life you want to live and the work you want to achieve will support your desired outcomes.

We trust our simple approach will

“Uncomplicate what seems to be complicated.”

For the month of January, we invite you to join us with a mindset to:

Within the Leadership Coaching context, we focus on:

  • Simplifying what is complicated

  • Creating consistency in your communication

  • Organizing the work you want to accomplish and

  • Planning the most important outcomes

Also, when listening to you, the more consistently you choose to simplify the most important outcomes, you experience a deeper sense of CONFIDENCE in who you are and your leadership.

Your ability to “CHOOSE TO SIMPLIFY” is a lifelong commitment to yourself, your team and your organization.

We are always practicing what we coach! Stay tuned next week for more guidance in Simplifying! 

Sending positive energy to you,

Tess & Chelsea 

Let Your Leadership SHINE!

Let Your Leadership SHINE!

The word “SHINE” reflects your ability to:

“Stand Out,” as a Leader of yourself, first

“Be Skilled At,” as you Lead your team

“Have a Gift for…” as you Lead your organization

Chelsea and I encourage you to “Let Your Leadership – SHINE!” - as you bring the 2023 Year to a close and begin the New 2024 Year.

 As you see from our 2023 Year Quotes & Pictures, we began the year intentionally doing our part to “Let Our Leadership – SHINE!” – as we supported, encouraged, and coached you to be the leader you desire to be.

Every Generation Brings Meaning and Value

Every Generation Brings Meaning and Value

At work or within your own family system, reflect on the generations around your conference or dining room table.


TC&A has been asked by several leaders in the professional work space to write about and give support to “Generational Communication.” Their request comes from a valid question,

“How do I effectively communicate with the older and younger generation?” 

 When we hear this question, we are curious, as well. At the same time, we remember – “We are the younger generation to an older generation.” This makes us smile and reflect on our focus for our TC&A November newsletter, “Every generation brings meaning and value.”


    EXCELLENCE IS ALWAYS INTENTIONAL    “Excellence is A Result of High Intention.”    - Aristotle   via   The Leadership Blueprint – Becoming the Architect of Your Life and Work   Recently, Tess reminded me of this quote and mindset, as I r

As a leader and receiver of our TC&A newsletter, I know you are committed to excellence, that is part of what brought us together. Thank you for being here!

It is possible, you may be thinking, “I don’t feel excellent right now,” or “this particular area of my life certainly isn’t excellent.” I will gently remind you - excellence is not about perfection or even about achieving…it IS an intentional way of thinking and being internally, which influences your mindset and behaviors for your external outcomes.

You know you are destined for excellence. We believe YOU are… 

You know you are worthy of excellence. We believe YOU are…

Deep down inside, YOU know this!

YOU believe this! 

And YOU feel this!

 Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading our newsletter today. 

Staying Grounded

Staying Grounded

Dear Leader,


As we enter into the month of September, we are thinking of you. Inspiration is important to us and our intention with our letter to you, is to inspire and support you!


Here is a backstory from Tess. During the summer months, my brother-in-law came for a short visit. During the afternoon of his arrival, he and I had an opportunity to connect about selling his business and his recent semi-retirement. He still looked forward to working part-time for the new owner of his business. As we shared stories about owning our own businesses and some of the challenges we face as business owners, I found him to be extremely encouraging with his stories, insights and wisdom.


    Communication is Energy     Written  communication  evokes  energy.   Verbal  communication  ignites  energy.   Physical  communication  embodies  energy.   Mental  communication  processes  energy.   Emotional  communication is  energy

Communication is energy

Written communication evokes energy.
Verbal communication ignites energy.
Physical communication embodies energy.
Mental communication processes energy.
Emotional communication is energy in motion.

Added Value

Added Value

Aligning with YOU to create what is important to YOU.

We’re always thinking about YOU…Our Clients.

We’re mindful of your workload, your time and the space you have to absorb any new learning about yourself and others.

The question that keeps coming to our mind is,

“Where can we align with you to create ADDED VALUE

for yourself, your team and organization?”

We hear within the leadership coaching, “things are going great!” And, we celebrate things going great for you. At the same time, there is still a lingering question, “Are you, really?” Or, is your “things are going great” a reflection of not having the space and time to reflect on what could be better?

Creating Your Inner CALM With Deep Listening

Creating Your Inner CALM With Deep Listening

Welcome to the TC&A April Newsletter. We want you to know, we are listening to you (our clients). We chose the topic of Creating Your Inner CALM with Deep Listening through listening to your joys and challenges, fulfillments and hardships, great times and sorrows. We understand from our own life and work experiences, finding our inner CALM when navigating our lives and work can be complex and often, difficult

The Nature of Being Human

The Nature of Being Human

At the time of this writing, I am in great awe with the blessing of “New Birth,” which brings new hope and faith for what is possible in the present and future. As the wonderment of spring brings its brilliance and surprises, I am reflecting on, “What am I personally and professionally longing to experience mindfully, emotionally, physically or spiritually for my future well-being,  for our clients and for our business?” I am curious, as I inwardly prepare for the journey to support our TC&A team and business. I have a great sense there is “New Birth” emerging that will lead us forward to influence lives and leadership towards a common good.

Invest in Your Human Capital

Invest in Your Human Capital

We are AWARE, as you start to settle into 2023, you are likely being pulled in many different directions within the work you do and the roles and responsibilities you have. The beginning of a new year ignites your mind to set new goals and new expectations. And, you’re reminded to let go of things that did not work the previous year, restructure and possibly consider a new direction. Not to mention…you have priorities and desires to give attention to the things that you want, need and deserve on behalf of your own personal life.