Aligning with YOUR Purpose

Aligning with YOUR Purpose

At TC&A, we are taking a deep breath in and letting it go, as we begin the month of May. We are grateful the 2022 year has been full with meaningful engagements and good work with our clients, organizations and industries. We’re also reminded of the boundless importance for us to set our intentions and “practice what we coach.” We often joke, “We are coaching ourselves when meeting with our clients, too!”

During the month of May, our desire is to communicate how we prepare behind the scenes for YOU! YOU are a key part of our purpose.

Setting Intentions

Setting Intentions

Aligned with our Find Your WHY Purpose

For Social and Emotional Learning

For Students

We are nearing the finish line with the third year for our Find Your WHY Seniors in High School. It has been an amazing year to experience our students ENERGY for life. It has been a privilege to support our students as they PROCESS their opportunities to attend college, work for family businesses or be a part of the workforce to advance their goals and dreams. As leaders and coaches, we are proud of our students DECISION-MAKING capabilities and the strategies they have created for future decisions that they will make. We are BLESSED to know our students are better equipped to structure the lives that will be most meaningful to them, along with the flexibility to rise above difficult situations and challenges. As leaders and coaches, we have the greatest respect for who they are and who they want to become – they are INCREDIBLE!

Lead Yourself To Be Empowered

 Lead Yourself To Be Empowered

“Empowered leaders are the only ones who can induce real change. They can forcefully communicate at a level beyond telling. By having the courage to change themselves, they model the behavior they are asking of others. Clearly understood by almost everyone, this message, based in integrity, is incredibly powerful. It builds trust and credibility and helps others confront the risk of empowering self.”

- Robert E. Quinn, Deep Change

Quinn’s statement above, inspires us to “Lead ourselves … FIRST.” Our hope is that it inspires you to “Lead yourself … FIRST, too.”

As we define complexity, it’s important to note that complexity isn’t always negative or just having the ability to powering through a challenge. It is far more than that. The simple definition of complexity is: “the state or quality of being intricate or complicated.”

Believe In Yourself

Believe In Yourself

During the month of April, our Find Your WHY students will engage in their final coaching learning. The year has been filled with discovering ways to support their own transformation through believing and empowering themselves. They are more aware that who they are and who they want to be is empowered through the following ways:

- A Genuine LOVE for themselves

- A Healthy ATTACHMENT to family and friends

- A true sense of SECURITY within who they are

- A deep CONNECTION to themselves

- A sense of BELONGING to what is important to them

- An ability to deeply TRUST the strengths of who they are

- An ability to create INTENTIONAL and POSITIVE outcomes

You Become Your Habits

You Become Your Habits

Many of you may have heard of the book, Atomic Habits by James Clear. It is a number one bestseller on five renowned lists: The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Amazon Charts, and Audible.

His premise begins with this mindset, “If, you are willing to make small, tiny or incremental changes within your habits – you will experience REMARKABLE RESULTS.”

Who doesn’t want remarkable results?

From my reading and the learning that stands out to me, it is very clear, my results in my life stem from the core of how I choose to see myself. At the core of my results is my IDENTITY.

IDENTITY is our uniqueness, our character or our personality. Each one of us embodies a distinct identity in how we think about ourselves.

Developing a Personal Identity

Developing a Personal Identity

Over the last three years, the Find Your WHY program for Seniors in High School has supported our students in three significant ways. Each student has had the opportunity to be engaged in learning with the Japanese concept of IKIGAI (ee-kee-gahy):

1. The reason for their being – Discovering their internal being of WHO they are

2. The purpose of their being – Defining WHAT their external personal mission is

3. The potential of their being – Deciding HOW they are going to reach their internal and external potential

These three areas support the Japanese concept of IKIGAI – A person living with happiness or living within a value for one’s life, passions and skills.

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

On Monday, January 17, 2022, the Find You WHY High School Students met for their 2nd Seminar. Each student has entered into their second semester as a Senior in High School. This was a “day off” from school and yet, our students personally chose to show up for themselves and for one another.

From the beginning of our 3.5-hour seminar, they chose a story of gratitude. Every student was grateful for family, friends and their communities. The pandemic has brought a deep gratitude for family dinners, celebrating family culture, being with grandparents and enjoying time with friends.

Simply & Naturally Breathe

Simply & Naturally Breathe

In this moment take a deep breath, slowly in through your nose. Feel the breath start in your abdomen and experience your breath work its way to the top of your head.

Then, reverse the process as you exhale and let your breath out through your mouth.

Being mindful of our way of breathing is part of our building a greater self-awareness in how we are feeling, thinking about something and how we want to respond.

The Little Things

The Little Things

CONNECTING with ALL that is IMPORTANT AND MEANINGFUL to you and to us is what creates a GREATER GOOD for our lives and work experiences.

CONNECTING with you, whether our Leadership Coaching calls are 15-minutes to check-in; 30-minutes to support how you are doing; 1-hour to engage in how you can create a strategy that will bring a better outcome or a seminar to help you learn, grow and development to who you want to be…ALL of these connections bring JOY.

Committed To Staying Engaged

Committed To Staying Engaged

At TC&A, staying ENGAGED with you is a top priority. Our ENGAGEMENT requires connection with you, and supporting you to connect with others – a BIG part of our purpose in Leadership Coaching. Further, our purpose is reflected through our coaching, writing, speaking, content creating and more – there’s always more behind the scenes – just as there is always more to you, as we coach you to Lead Yourself … FIRST!

Celebrating Our FYW Students & Our 501(C)(3) Approval

Celebrating Our FYW Students & Our 501(C)(3) Approval

Congratulations to Sterling Blom, Richard Garcia, Abby van Klaveren and Reese Gonzalves, (FYW 2020 Alumni) who received their American Degree from the National FFA Organization at the annual Convention in Indianapolis Indiana.

The American FFA Degree is the highest level of achievement in the National FFA Organization.

It reflects a member’s dedication to their chapter and state FFA association. The American FFA Degree demonstrates their effort and ability through their supervised agricultural experience project, showing competence and success in an agricultural venture and/or work experience. The recipient must also exhibit outstanding leadership abilities and community involvement throughout their FFA career.

The What IF ...

The What IF ...

The times we are living in call for a new way of approaching, interacting and retaining your employees. This shift in mindset should feel encouraging, and is positive, as replacing employees is extremely costly. In fact, Forbes reports that the cost of turnover for an entry-level position is an estimated 50 percent of salary; mid-level is 125 percent of salary; and senior executive over 200 percent of salary.

Our Find Your Why Program is Going to Have an Amazing Year!

Our Find Your Why Program is Going to Have an Amazing Year!

We are EXCITED to WELCOME our new group of 8 - Sr. High School students to the Find Your WHY 2021/2022 program. They are beginning an incredible journey of learning more about themselves, growing with information that supports who they are and developing into the people they want to be for their future hopes and goals. We are THRILLED to WELCOME our new Find Your WHY Coach – Kattie Schmidig who will be leading and supporting our students through this new school year with one-on-one coaching and small group seminars. Kattie is a leader who cares about students, knowledgeable in how students learn and a great advocate for students building their confidence in who they are.