Creating Your Inner CALM With Deep Listening

Creating Your Inner CALM With Deep Listening

Welcome to the TC&A April Newsletter. We want you to know, we are listening to you (our clients). We chose the topic of Creating Your Inner CALM with Deep Listening through listening to your joys and challenges, fulfillments and hardships, great times and sorrows. We understand from our own life and work experiences, finding our inner CALM when navigating our lives and work can be complex and often, difficult

The Nature of Being Human

The Nature of Being Human

At the time of this writing, I am in great awe with the blessing of “New Birth,” which brings new hope and faith for what is possible in the present and future. As the wonderment of spring brings its brilliance and surprises, I am reflecting on, “What am I personally and professionally longing to experience mindfully, emotionally, physically or spiritually for my future well-being,  for our clients and for our business?” I am curious, as I inwardly prepare for the journey to support our TC&A team and business. I have a great sense there is “New Birth” emerging that will lead us forward to influence lives and leadership towards a common good.

Invest in Your Human Capital

Invest in Your Human Capital

We are AWARE, as you start to settle into 2023, you are likely being pulled in many different directions within the work you do and the roles and responsibilities you have. The beginning of a new year ignites your mind to set new goals and new expectations. And, you’re reminded to let go of things that did not work the previous year, restructure and possibly consider a new direction. Not to mention…you have priorities and desires to give attention to the things that you want, need and deserve on behalf of your own personal life.

Class of 2023

Class of 2023

“Most of the things worth doing in the world

had been declared impossible before they were done.”

-Louis D. Brandeis, 20th Century Supreme Court Justice

Just Listen by Mark Goulston

 On Martin Luther King Day, our Find Your WHY students took a tour of several Agricultural industries. We were led by leaders who continuously look for ways to “do” the impossible.

Choosing Your Journey…

Choosing Your Journey…

“The journey begins right here,

in the middle of the road,

right beneath your feet.

This is the place.

There is no other place, no other time.”

N.J. Adler


Yes, it’s Time, in this Moment to Choose. You have an opportunity to look inward and choose to EMERGE into WHO You Want to Be and Become.

With every New Year, we have an opportunity to reflect on the past year that we experienced and typically, we tend to set goals for what we want life to look like in the New Year.

This year, we are asking you to think differently, which will lead you to choose differently for the time and days you have before you.

Every Choice Matters

Every Choice Matters

Every day our FYW students have a choice to build towards their desired outcome 1% at a time.

They are well aware that every CHOICE matters in their lives at home, school and extra-curricular activities. They have learned the 1% marginal gains concept by James Clear (, where “there is basically no difference between making a choice that is 1% better or 1% worse in a given day. And yet, the impact of small improvements or the decline to improve starts to create a very big gap between people who make slightly better decisions on a daily basis and those who don’t.”

Empowered Energy

Empowered Energy

“Your ENERGY is Worthy

of Your Attention.”


For a moment, be open and let us take you on a journey reflecting on your own ENERGY.

Sit comfortably in your chair and close your eyes or lower your gaze. Take a moment and think about your past year. Start at the beginning of the 2022 year - from January to February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November….

Consider the joys and celebrations you experienced with those you love and care about. Think about your moments of gratitude – seeing the sun rise, your child hugging you at the end of the day, the simple abundant moments like your dog being so excited to see you when you get home or the project being completed at work on time.

Connected Energy

Connected Energy

“Research shows that when kids are part of a family unit that spends time together, they are more likely to feel supported, safe and loved unconditionally, as well as have increased self-esteem, and better academic outcomes.”

Our Find Your WHY Students have “CONNECTED ENERGY.” They are students with personalities that create ways to be connected, kind, thoughtful and loving in their relationships within their family and circle of friends.

Creating Community with Emotional Intelligence

Creating Community with Emotional Intelligence

“We can always grow, develop and change ourselves,

which is where Emotional Intelligence thrives – within ourselves.”


At TC&A, we LOVE the Fall Season and the month of November! Our family begins the season by celebrating birthdays in September – followed by more birthdays to celebrate in October. We are a family who has several great cooks who provide a wonderful Thanksgiving feast for extended family and friends. And, we enjoy one more birthday to celebrate at the end of November.

Creating a Learning Community

Creating a Learning Community


-TC&A Mantra Cards

Our Find Your WHY students continue to learn about their “true selves.”

What does this mean for our students?

It means, within our FYW learning community, our students begin to understand how their strengths within their personalities contributes to the identity of their individual and communal Find Your WHY experience.

Brain + Trust

Brain + Trust

Trust is a one of the most frequented and focused topics that is addressed within our TC&A one-on-one coaching, team building, seminars and consulting.

Trust is the foundational core value of what employees want in their workplace. It is the central behavioral function and success, in which a team is built and what teams want to experience within their work culture.

Trust is often the unconscious or unspoken challenge and what is most inwardly needed to build a strong team and workforce.

HBR speaks to the data of how important Trust is to build within our teams and organizations as a whole.

Building Trust

Building Trust

Every year, as coaches and facilitators, we enter into building new relationships with our Find Your WHY students. It is important for our students to know and understand our respect for them and for their time.

Our students live full lives. Many of them are involved in ASB, FFA, sports, music and supporting their individual school booster clubs. Our goal for our students is to provide meaningful learning experiences within the coaching context and our seminars. Our hope is that their learning will bring value to their personal lives, school experiences and beyond for their future college, work and career choices.

Finding Your Rhythm Through Self-Awareness, Self-Acceptance & Self-Care

Finding Your Rhythm Through Self-Awareness, Self-Acceptance & Self-Care


“I like the idea of dreaming the big dream

and making small steps. I’d like to think that

you reach your hand, just a little bit further than your reach,

not enough so that you’ll be frustrated, not enough

so that you’ll give up, but just enough so that you’ll stretch yourself.”

-Maya Angleou

The Leadership Blueprint

I, Tess have a personal story to share that will give background as to “why” the Maya Angelou quote is so important to me and “how” SELF-AWARENESS, SELF-ACCEPTANCE AND SELF-CARE provided the roadmap for me to face my reality, experience a significant challenge and find my path of stretching myself towards greater healing.

Leading Your Mindset with Intention and Actions

Leading Your Mindset with Intention and Actions

Welcome to mid-YEAR! We’re encouraging you to PAUSE and REFLECT on the year you have created, co-created and been a part of so far…

Think about what you enjoyed about your summer activities.

Consider how you want to prepare yourself or your family for a new school year.

What have you learned about yourself during your mid-year review experience?

Are there projects and goals you want to complete by the end of the year?

PAUSE ~ REFLECT on your 2022 year.

Knowing How You Gain Your Energy

Knowing How You Gain Your Energy

Hi Everyone,

Chelsea here, I have a fun story to share for this newsletter.

As I sat on the steps of the pool with my toddler last week, I smiled to myself as a group of high schoolers were having a get together nearby. There must have been at least 15 of them chatting in different groups. Some were in the pool together, some were eating snacks at the tables outside and others were talking 1:1. As my son and I splashed and played, he loved watching the big kids. In fact, he kept yelling out, “Excuse me big kids, excuse me big kids!” As he wanted to use their super soakers and engage with them. Would you agree we have an extrovert on our hands with him?

The Choice For Time Away

The Choice For Time Away

Last month, I (Chelsea), had the opportunity to travel to Portugal for the wedding of my dear friends. It was a trip that took immense planning, patience and long days of travel. After years of not traveling internationally, I knew the trip was going to stretch me in many ways. As it turns out, the travel held true to every challenge I anticipated. Yet, it was a gorgeous experience filled with an outpouring of love and lifelong memories that were made with my husband and friends. I am deeply grateful my husband Max and I made the choice to take time away and travel.

Celebrating the Present

Celebrating the Present

Upon writing the June newsletter, our Find Your WHY students, coaches and leadership will have CELEBRATED the end of another meaningful year.

We are extremely proud of our students who have showed up all year and have chosen to be engaged and fully PRESENT for the FYW seminars and individual coaching/learning.